Simple JavaScript Calculator With Source Code

 Simple JavaScript Calculator With Source Code

JavaScript Project: Simple JavaScript Calculator with Source Code
Scroll down and click the download button to download the simple JS calculator project for free with source code

This simple download the simple JS calculator  project is a simple project in HTML5, CSS and JS. Here, you can see the calculator functions just like a real life simple calculator, basic features of the calculator This project is to solve the mathematical calculations of numbers, Basic feature of the calculator in this project.

About the project
This project is simply in HTML, CSS and JS. Taking into account the features of the Calculator, the user can add, subtract, divide, multiply any two numbers and get the results, You can simply type the numbers you want to include in the calculations, select one of the operations, and click the Calculate button to get the result. Also, you can reset the value and continue with the next calculation.

How to execute the project work?

To run this project

We recommend that you use modern browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox for best performance. To run the project, 
the first, 1 – Open the project in your browser by clicking on the index.html file!
Simple JavaScript calculator with source code is free to download,

don't forget this, use for educational purposes only.

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