Simple Bank System in C++ with source code project for free


Simple Bank System in C++ with source code

project C++:Simple Bank System in C++ with free source code project

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Simple Bank System is based on the concept of recording customer account details. The system contains only the administration section. Here, the admin can perform all the tasks like creating an account, depositing and withdrawing amounts, checking balance, and modifying an account. There is no login system for this simple c++ project.

This project strengthens the main characteristics of the banking system.

About the system

Talking about the features of the Simple Banking System, an administrator can create a customer account by providing the account holder name, account number, etc. Then the admin can also deposit and withdraw money. He/she can also check balance inquiry which shows account holder name with account number type and amount. Also, you can view the list of all account holders. Furthermore, the admin can also close the account and modify the account details as per his wish.

This project uses C++ file handling classes and functions. Here, the system creates an external file (text file) to store all the user data, so that every time we log into the system we can operate with the existing accounts.

How to execute the project work?
To run the project, you must have Dev C++ or Code Blocks installed on your PC. Please use for educational purposes only! This project provides the simplest system to manage the banking system.

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