Online Food Ordering System using PHP8 and MySQL With Free Source Code


Online Food Ordering System using PHP8 and MySQL Free Source Code

How does the Online Food Ordering System work?
This version of the Online Food Ordering System still has the same process as the previous one, while the administration can simply list all their menus (active/inactive), product categories and manage customer orders from customers. Customers can register their accounts on the public site for free. This version now comes with menu list pagination on the client side and a data summary or list on the admin panel page.

Here is the list of technologies that have been used to develop this guestbook management system:

XAMPP v3.3.0
MySQL database
Bootstrap Framework v5
Features and functionalities
The guestbook management system consists of the following features:

public site
Guest Book List
Submit guest comments and other information
Administration site
Guest Book List
Edit/update guest details
Delete guest data
Sign in and sign out
How to run?

Download and install any local web server like XAMPP.
Download the provided source code zip file. (download button is below)
System installation/configuration

open apache and MySQL
Extract the downloaded source code zip file.

extracted source code into the Xampp "htdocs" directory
Explore PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Create a new database called gbms_db.
Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as gbms_db.sql and is located inside the root folder of the source code.
Explore the simple guestbook management system in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/php-gbms/.
Default administrator access:
Username: administrator
Password: admin#123

demo video
That's all! I hope this simple guestbook management system project using PHP and MySQL helps you with what you are looking for and that you find something useful for your current and future PHP projects.


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