PHP: Basics of PHP

Chapter one: Four Basics of PHP

₴ Introduction to PHP

₴ How to Run PHP File on XAMPP Server

₴ PHP Variables

₴ PHP Data Types

₴ PHP Operators

₴ Conditional Statements

₴ PHP Arrays

₴ PHP Looping

₴ PHP Functions

  • PHP is a server-side scripting language
  • Server side script language is a technique used in web development which involves employing script on a web server which produce a response customized for each users clients requests to the web site

What is PHP?

  • PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
  • PHP scripts are executed on the server
  • PHP supports many databases (MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL, Generic ODBC, etc...)
  • For our study we are focus on XAMPP server (includes Apache and MYSQL)
  • PHP is an open source software
  • PHP is free to download and use

What is a PHP File?

  • PHP files can contain text, HTML tags and scripts
  • PHP files are returned to the browser as plain HTML
  • PHP files have a file extension of ".php", ".php3", or ".phtml" but the first extension is the

common one

What is MySQL?

  • MySQL is a database server
  • MySQL is ideal for both small and large applications
  • MySQL supports standard SQL
  • MySQL compiles on a number of platforms
  • MySQL is free to download and use


  • PHP combined with MySQL are cross-platform (you can develop in Windows

and serve on a Unix platform)

Why PHP?

  • PHP runs on different platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.)
  • PHP is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc...)
  • PHP is FREE to download from the official PHP resource:
  • PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side

PHP Syntax

  • PHP code is executed on the server, and the plain HTML result is sent to the


Basic PHP Syntax

  • A PHP scripting block always starts with <?php and ends with ?>.
  • A PHP scripting block can be placed anywhere in the document
  • On servers with shorthand support enabled you can start a scripting block with <?

and end with ?>

  • For maximum compatibility,  I  recommend  that  you  use  the  standard  form

(<?php) rather than the shorthand form

  • A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, just like an HTML file, and some PHP

scripting code

  • Next, I have an example of a simple PHP script which sends the text “Dear

Students, I am ready to do PHP Wares! If you are ready" to the browser:

PHP Syntax...




echo “Dear Students, I am ready to do PHP Wares! If you are ready…”;





  • Each code line in PHP must end with a semicolon (;)
  • The semicolon is a separator and is used to distinguish one set of instructions

from another

  • There are two basic statements to output text with PHP:

echo and print. In the example above we have used the echo statement to  output the text " Dear Students, I am ready to do PHP Wares! If you are ready "  Note: The file must have a .php extension

  • If the file has a .html extension, the PHP code will not be executed

Comments in PHP

  • In PHP, we use // to make a single-line comment or
  • /* and */ to make a large comment block



// This is a single line comment


This is

a multiple line comment




How to run PHP file on XAMPP Server?

  • Step 1: Install XAMPP on your System
  • Step 2: Start Apache and MYSQL from XAMPP
  • Step 3: Open any text editor (Notepad++ or other)
  • Step 4: Write php program or code on the text editor
  • Step 5: Save the file in the c://xampp/htdocs directory after you created

a new folder

  • Step 6: Now, in your browser address bar, type the address:


  • Example: localhost/exercises/exe1.php
  • Step 7: If you are correctly follow the steps the result easily displayed on the browser

PHP Variables

  • A variable is used to store information

Variables in PHP

  • Variables are used for storing values, like text strings, numbers or arrays
  • When a variable is declared, it can be used over and over again in your script
  • All variables in PHP start with a $ sign symbol
  • The correct way of declaring a variable in PHP: $var_name = value;



$txt=“My Water";



PHP is a Loosely Typed Language

  • In PHP, a variable does not need to be declared before adding a value to it
  • In the example above, you see that you do not have to tell PHP which data

type the variable is

  • PHP automatically converts the variable to the correct data type, depending

on its value

  • In a strongly typed programming language like JAVA and C++, you have to declare (define) the type and name of the variable before using it
  • In PHP, the variable is declared automatically when you use it

Naming Rules for Variables

  • A variable name must start with a letter or an underscore "_"
  • A variable name  can  only  contain  alpha-numeric  characters  and

underscores (a-z, A-Z, and _ )

  • A variable name should not contain spaces
  • If a variable name is more than one word, it should be separated with an

underscore ($my_string), or with capitalization ($myString)

PHP Data Types

  • Variables can store data of different types, and different data types can do

different things

  • PHP supports the following data types:



üFloat (Floating point numbers - also called Double)

üBoolean (true or false, 0 or 1, ON or OFF, High V or Low V)




PHP String

  • A string is a sequence of characters, like “My Water!"
  • A string can be any text inside quotes
  • You can use single or double quotes



$x = “My Water”;

$y = ‘My Water’;  echo $x;

echo "<br>";

echo $y;


PHP Integer

  • An integer data type is a non-decimal number between -2,147,483,648 and


Rules for Integers:

  • An integer must have at least one digit
  • An integer must not have a decimal point
  • An integer can be either positive or negative
  • Integers can be specified in three formats: decimal (10-based), hexadecimal (16-based ) or octal (8-based)
  • The PHP var_dump() function returns the data type and value
  • In the following example $x is an integer



$x = 21;


PHP Boolean

  • A Boolean represents two possible states: TRUE or FALSE

$x = true;

$y = false;

  • Booleans are often used in conditional testing.

PHP Array

  • An array stores multiple values in one single variable
  • The position of array elements starts from 0 not 1
  • In the following example $movies is an array:



$movies= array(“Frozen",“Everything",“Baby Boss");


echo $movies[0];



  • Null is a special data type which can have only one value: NULL
  • A variable of data type NULL is a variable that has no value assigned to it

Tip: If a variable is created without a value, it is automatically assigned a value of  NULL

  • Variables can also be emptied by setting the value to NULL:
  • Example:


$x = “My Water!";

$x = null;



PHP  Strings

  • A string is a sequence of characters, like "Hello Water!"

Get The Length of a String

  • The PHP strlen() function returns the length of a string
  • The example below returns the length of the string "Hello Water!":


echo strlen("Hello Water!");  // Output: 12


Count The Number of Words in a String

  • The PHP str_word_count() function counts the number of words in a string


echo str_word_count("Hello Water!");  // Output: 2


Reverse a String

  • The PHP strrev() function reverses a string



echo strrev("Hello Water!");                      // Outputs !retaW olleH


Search For a Specific Text Within a String

  • The PHP strpos() function searches for a specific text within a string
  • If a match is found, the function returns the character position of the first match. If no match is found,

it will return NULL

  • The example below searches for the text “Water" in the string "Hello Water!":


echo strpos("Hello World!", “Water");  // Output: 6


Tip: The first character position in a string is 0 (not 1)

Replace Text Within a String

  • The PHP str_replace() function replaces some characters with some other characters in a string
  • The example below replaces the text “Water" with “Sweety":



echo str_replace(“Water", “Sweety", "Hello Water!");  // Output: Hello Sweety!


The Concatenation Operator

  • There is only one string operator in PHP
  • The concatenation operator dot (.) is used to put two string values together
  • To concatenate two string variables together, use the concatenation operator dot




$txt1=“I’m Author!”;

$txt2=“for You!";  echo $txt1 . " " . $txt2;


PHP Constants

  • Constants are like variables except that once they are defined they cannot be

changed or undefined

  • A constant is an identifier (name) for a simple value
  • The value cannot be changed during the script
  • A valid constant name starts with a letter or underscore
  • No $ sign before the constant name

Note: Unlike variables, constants are automatically global across the entire script

Create a PHP Constant

  • To create a constant, use the define() function

PHP Constants…

define(Name, Value, case-insensitive)


  • Name: Specifies the name of the constant
    • Value: Specifies the value of the constant
    • Case-insensitive: Specifies whether  the  constant

    insensitive. Default is false



    define("GREETING", “Hello Dear!");

    echo GREETING;


    PHP Constants…




define("GREETING", “Hello Dear", true);

echo greeting;  // case insensitive


Constants are Global



define("GREETING", “Hello Dear", true);

echo greeting;  // case insensitive


Constants are Global

  • Constants are automatically global and can be used across the entire script
  • The example below uses a constant inside a function, even if it is defined outside the function:


define("GREETING", “Hello Dear");

function water()







PHP Operators

  • Operators are used to operate on values

PHP Operators

  • This section lists the different operators used in PHP

Arithmetic Operators


Conditional Statements

  • Conditional statements are used to perform different actions based on different


  • if statement - use this statement to execute some code only if a specified condition is true
  • if...else statement - use this statement to execute some code if a condition is true and

another code if the condition is false

  • if...elseif....else statement - use this statement to select one of several blocks of code to be executed
  • switch statement - use this statement to select one of many blocks of code to be



The if Statement

  • Use the if statement to execute some code only if a specified condition is



if (condition) code to be executed if condition is true;

  • The following example will output "Have a Nice Weekend!" if the current

day is Friday:

  • <?php


if ($d=="Fri") { echo "Have a Nice Weekend!"; }


The if...else Statement

  • Use the if....else statement to execute some code if a condition is true and

another code if a condition is false

The if…else Statement


if (condition)


code to be executed if condition is true;




code to be executed if condition is false;


The if…else Statement…


  • The following example will output "Have a Nice Weekend!" if the current day is Friday, otherwise it will output "Have a Nice Day!":
  • <?php

$d = date("D");

if($d == "Fri") {

echo "Have a Nice Weekend!";  }

else {

echo "Have a Nice Day!";  }


The if...else if....else Statement

  • Use the if....else if...else statement to select one of several blocks of code

to be executed


  • if (condition)

code to be executed if condition is true;

else if (condition)

code to be executed if condition is true;


code to be executed if condition is false;


The if...else if....else Statement…


  • The following example will output "Have a Nice Weekend!" if the current day is Friday, and "Have a Nice Monday!" if the current day is Monday. Otherwise it will output "Have a Nice day!"
  • <?php

$d = date("D");

if ($d == "Fri") {

echo “Have a Nice Weekend!"; }  else if ("mon") {

echo “Have a Nice Monday";  }

else {

echo "Have a Nice Day!";  }


PHP Switch Statement

  • Use the switch statement to select one of many blocks of code to be executed


  • switch (n)


case label1:

code to be executed if n=label1;

break;  case label2:

code to be executed if n=label2;




code to be executed if n is different from both label1 and label2;



PHP Switch Statement…

  • This is how it works: first we have a single expression n (most often a

variable), that is evaluated once

  • The value of the expression is then compared with the values for each

case in the structure

  • If there is a match, the block of code associated with that case is executed
  • Use break to  prevent  the  code  from  running  into  the  next  case  automatically
  • The default statement is used if no match is found

PHP Switch Statement…



$today = date("D");  switch($today){  case "Mon":

echo "Today is Monday";


case "Tue":

echo "Today is Tuesday";  break;

case "Wed":

echo "Today is Wednesday";

PHP Switch Statement…



case "Thu":

echo "Today is Thursday";


case "Fri":

echo "Today is Friday";  break;

case "Sat":

echo "Today is Saturday";


case "Sun":

echo "Today is Sunday";  break;

echo "No information available  for that day";




PHP Arrays

  • An array stores multiple values in one single variable

What is an Array?

  • A variable is a storage area holding a number or text. The problem is, a variable will hold only one value
  • An array is a special variable, which can store multiple values in one single variable
  • If you have a list of items (a list of movies, for example), storing the movies in single variables could look like this:
  • $movies1=“Love Rain";



  • However, what if you want to loop through the movies and find a specific

one? And what if you had not 3 movies, but 300?

PHP Arrays…

  • The best solution here is to use an array!
  • An array can hold all your variable values under a single name. And you

can access the values by referring to the array name

  • Each element in  the  array  has  its  own  index  so  that  it  can  be  easily


In PHP, there are three kind of arrays:

  • Numeric Array - An array with a numeric index
  • Associative Array - An array where each ID key is associated with a value
  • Multidimensional Array - An array containing one or more arrays

PHP Arrays…

Numeric Arrays

  • A numeric array stores each array element with a numeric index
  • There are two methods to create a numeric array

1.In the following example the index are automatically assigned (the

index starts at 0):


2.In the following example we assign the index manually:





PHP Arrays…


  • In the following example you access the variable values by referring to the array name and index:






echo $life[0] . " and " . $life[1] . " are common for us.";


  • The code above will output: Live and Dead are common for us.

PHP Arrays…

Associative Arrays

  • An associative array, each ID key is associated with a value
  • When storing data about specific named values, a numerical array is not

always the best way to do it

  • With associative arrays we can use the values as keys and assign values to them


  • In this example we use an array to assign ages to the different persons:

$ages = array("Water"=>21, « Steve"=>30, « Love"=>51);

PHP Arrays…


  • This example is the same as the previous one, but shows a different way of creating the array:
  • $ages[‘Water'] = "21";

$ages[‘Steve'] = "30";

$ages[‘Love'] = "34";

  • The ID keys can be used in a script:


$ages[‘Water'] = "21";

$ages[‘Steve'] = "30";

$ages[‘Love'] = "34";

echo “Water is " . $ages[‘Water'] . " years old.";


  • The code above will output: Water is 21 years old.

PHP Sorting Arrays

  • The elements in an array can be sorted in alphabetical or numerical order, descending or ascending

PHP - Sort Functions For Arrays

In this chapter, we will go through the following PHP array sort functions:

  • sort() - sort arrays in ascending order
  • rsort() - sort arrays in descending order
  • asort() - sort associative arrays in ascending order, according to the value
  • ksort() - sort associative arrays in ascending order, according to the key
  • arsort() - sort associative arrays in descending order, according to the value
  • krsort() - sort associative arrays in descending order, according to the key

Sort Array in Ascending Order - sort()

  • The following example  sorts  the  elements  of  the  $life  array  in  ascending  alphabetical order:

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